Sail Away® is a Macintosh Sailboat simulator written by Jerry Lumpkins. (Myself)
I've worked periodically on this program for a number of years, and have finally decided to put this beta test version in the Shareware realm. If you think that it has promise, let me know by leaving me a message. My compuserve address is 75156.3350. When I say shareware I mean that I am not placing this program in the public domain and retain all rights to it. If you would like to entice me find the time to finish it, let me know what you think.
Under System 7.0 on a monochrome monitor, the background will be somewhat distorted. (The copymask toolbox call seems to offset the mask by 16 or so pixels vertically. I haven't had the time to work it out. If you are using a color Monitor, set the colors to 8 bit (256 colors) for everything to look right.